Type document: 
Petit J, Prudent G

The objective of this paper, which is intended as a reference document, is to establish the current state of existing knowledge on the impacts of climate change on the biodiversity of the European Union overseas entities. This document starts with a thematic analysis of European overseas biodiversity, the reality of climate change, the new threats it presents for natural resources, and the resulting socio-economic implications. This analysis presents a general overview of the global and sectoral data related tooverseas territories, and highlights certain notable examples in the individual regions. The document then provides a geographical analysis of the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in the 28 European Union overseas entities. These have been divided into seven large geographical areas: the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, the South Pacific, Macaronesia, the Amazon, the Polar Regions and the South Atlantic. For each entity a non-exhaustive overview of the current state of biodiversity, observed or potential impacts of climate change on the natural resources, and the resulting socio-economic implications are presented. For some regions, examples of strategies to adapt to or mitigate the effects of climate change that deserve particular mention have been highlighted. (UICN)

Lieu étude: 
Les Caraïbes
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L’Observatoire Martiniquais de la Biodiversité (OMB) est un dispositif animé par le Parc naturel régional de la Martinique composé de 46 membres.

Il collecte et diffuse des informations sur la biodiversité de Martinique, et constitue un outil d’aide à la décision.



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Quelques données

  • Plus de 2000 espèces de champignons estimées
  • 40 espèces de papillons de jour
  • 11 espèces de chauves-souris
  • 262 espèces de fougères et plantes alliées

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